
Some recent health and safety updates to Curry’s Funfair in Leisureland, Galway by Mortimer Quarries. Whether it’s a new site, or a patch and repair job, contact us for a quote on your tarmac needs.

Now who’s up for a ride on the hurdey gurdey’s???




End of an era.....

A unique perspective into one of the houses on Gilmartin Road. This photo was taken at the beginning of March, the house has since been knocked, along with the rest, to make way for the new development. Mortimer Quarries are looking forward to supplying the Stonefill for the ground works and foundations.


The Beast from the East is on the way.... but there is still time to lime!!

Did you know the application of lime has multiple benefits for Irish farmers? Essentially lime increases the pH of an acidic soil, to ensure more efficient utilisation of fertilizers and manures,  resulting in improved yields. Mortimer Quarries…

Did you know the application of lime has multiple benefits for Irish farmers? Essentially lime increases the pH of an acidic soil, to ensure more efficient utilisation of fertilizers and manures,  resulting in improved yields. Mortimer Quarries have been producing, supplying and spreading agri-lime under the brand name Grolime, in the Galway, Mayo and west of Ireland region for many years.